The Blog

Pacifier 101

Pacifier 101

By Cosima & Anathea | October 19, 2023

Pacifiers have long been a subject of discussion among parents and caregivers, sparking debates about their merits and drawbacks. At Elite Postpartum Doulas, our mission is to empower parents with well-rounded information so they can make informed choices for their newborns. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of pacifiers, including their types, benefits,…

Baby's Fist Halloween

Baby’s First Halloween: Embracing the Charm in Seattle

By Cosima & Anathea | October 16, 2023

As Seattle’s streets glisten under October’s gentle rain, the city’s distinctive Halloween spirit is palpable. For new parents in the Pacific Northwest, ensuring your baby’s first Halloween is both delightful and safe might be a top priority. Let’s guide you with insights, tips, and a touch of Seattle’s local flavor! The Role of Doulas in…

Postpartum Planning

Postpartum Planning

By Cosima & Anathea | October 9, 2023

Navigating the waters of new parenthood can be both rewarding and challenging. In the heart of Seattle, amidst its vibrant urban rhythm, new parents often find themselves yearning for a guide. While there’s ample advice on pregnancy and childbirth, the importance of the post-birth phase, the ‘fourth trimester’, often remains understated. We at our dedicated…

Swaddling 101

Swaddling 101

By Cosima & Anathea | September 28, 2023

Welcoming a newborn into the world is an experience filled with joy and excitement but comes with its share of challenges. One of the most common challenges parents face is finding effective soothing techniques for their bundle of joy. While there are various methods available, swaddling stands out as a time-tested and highly effective way…

Introducing a Newborn to Family Pets

Introducing a Newborn to Family Pets

By Cosima & Anathea | September 25, 2023

Bringing a new baby into your home is a momentous occasion, but it can also be a time of adjustment for your beloved pets. At Elite Postpartum Doulas in Seattle, Washington, we understand the importance of ensuring a smooth introduction between your newborn and your furry family members. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address common…

Morning Sickness tips

Morning Sickness Tips

By Cosima & Anathea | September 6, 2023

Morning sickness – the uninvited guest often accompanies the joy of discovering you’re expecting. For many women, the early days of pregnancy are colored by bouts of nausea and vomiting. Despite its misleading name, morning sickness can strike at any hour, leaving expectant mothers searching for relief. In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into understanding…

Paced Bottle Feeding

Paced Bottle Feeding

By Cosima & Anathea | September 1, 2023

There are so many different ways to feed a baby. Today, talk about paced bottle feeding. Paced bottle feeding is a method where babies are given control over the flow and pace of their feed. By allowing them to set their rhythm, they can feed in a manner that’s comfortable for them, reducing the likelihood…

When parenthood isn't fun.

When Parenthood Isn’t Fun

By Cosima & Anathea | September 1, 2023

At some point, every new parent has been jolted awake by the unmistakable cry of their newborn. Sleep-deprived eyes, constant diaper changes, and trying to decode every whimper can be an all-encompassing experience. While many portray parenthood through rose-tinted glasses, the reality is often interspersed with challenges and overwhelming moments. The Multifaceted Challenges of Parenthood:…

Elite Postpartum Doulas Seattle Washington

Welcome to Elite Postpartum Doulas

By Cosima & Anathea | August 24, 2023

Welcoming a new life into the world is a joyous occasion, but the postpartum period often brings its own set of challenges and adjustments. Expert guidance and compassionate care can make all the difference during this delicate time. Today, we are here to talk with you about the exceptional support and care that Elite Postpartum…