Seattle Postpartum Doula Agency

Seattle Postpartum Doula Agency

For families seeking exceptional postpartum support.

Exceptional Support. Sophisticated Care.

Our carefully vetted team of highly skilled and compassionate Seattle postpartum doulas is at your service. We understand that the postpartum period is a crucial time for many new parents. Our unwavering mission is to provide you with a level of care that is simply unparalleled.


At Seattle's Elite Postpartum Doulas, we're all about celebrating your individuality and diversity as a new family.

Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or an avid hiker, whether you work in tech or have a passion for the arts, what unites us all is our excitement for the newest addition to your family: your baby! We can't wait to welcome your little one with open arms.

You're creating a beautiful little human (yay!) and deserve nothing less than a unique experience! Our Seattle doula services tailor everything to you - your personality and desires. We provide your new family with the expertise you need to feel completely supported.

We want to be by your side as you embark on this incredibly personal journey into parenthood. Let us help guide your Seattle area family every step of the way!

At Elite Postpartum Doulas we honor your individuality, embrace your diversity, and dedicate ourselves to guiding you through this profoundly personal journey into parenthood! 

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our exceptional postpartum support can enhance your journey.

Whether you are first-time parents embarking on the incredible journey into parenthood or you are seasoned veterans expanding your family, rest assured that Seattle's Elite Postpartum Doulas stand ready to deliver an unparalleled level of postpartum care. Our unwavering mission is to empower you not just to survive but truly thrive during this transformative time in your family’s life.

Cosima + Anathea