What to Pack in Your Birth Bag

birth bag

Whether you’re planning a hospital birth, a home birth, or opting for a birth center, knowing what to pack in your birth bag can make all the difference. Each setting has its own requirements and comforts to consider, so let’s talk about what essentials and optional items you should pack to make your birthing experience…

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Returning to Intimacy After Having a Baby

rebuilding intimacy

Welcoming a new baby into the family can bring significant changes to partner dynamics, particularly in the realm of intimacy. For many new parents, the journey to rediscover physical and emotional closeness can be challenging among the demands of caring for a newborn or infant. Today we’ll talk about common challenges faced by couples during…

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Introducing Dogs and Babies

dogs and babies

Welcoming a new baby into the family is an exciting time. Those who already have “fur babies” in the household may be concerned about how to introduce their dog to their new baby. Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship and can form wonderful bonds with babies. However, it’s important to begin preparing your…

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The Fourth Trimester: Understanding Your Baby’s Development

the fourth trimester

The first three months after a baby’s birth, often called the “fourth trimester,” are a period of significant growth and adjustment for both the newborn and the parents. This phase is crucial for a baby’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development as they transition from the womb to the outside world. For parents, understanding these developmental…

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Cradle Cap 101

Cradle Cap 101

Cradle cap is a common skin condition that affects newborns and infants. Today we will talk about all things cradle cap. We’ll delve into the various aspects of cradle cap, including its causes, symptoms, treatment options, and prevention methods to provide a comprehensive guide for parents and caregivers. What is Cradle Cap? Cradle cap manifests…

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Setting Postpartum Boundaries

Setting Postpartum Boundaries

With all the excitement of bringing a new baby home, it’s easy to feel obligated to entertain guests who want to stop by to visit you and the baby. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of setting postpartum boundaries. We will share practical tips for setting and communicating boundaries effectively, explore the importance…

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Benefits of Baby-wearing


Baby-wearing, an age-old practice, has become popular among modern parents for its many benefits. Beyond being a mode of transportation, baby-wearing offers a treasure trove of advantages for babies and caregivers. In today’s blog, we will review the benefits of baby-wearing, from encouraging emotional bonds to promoting cognitive development, and address common concerns with evidence-based…

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Understanding Postpartum Hair Loss

postpartum hair loss

Postpartum hair loss, also known as postpartum alopecia, is a common concern among new mothers. While it is temporary, it can be worrisome for those experiencing it. In this guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind postpartum hair loss, explore effective strategies to manage it, and debunk myths surrounding it. How Common is Postpartum Hair Loss? Postpartum…

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Nurtured Village: Revitalizing Postpartum Nutrition


At Elite Postpartum Doulas, we believe in providing comprehensive support to new parents during the transformative postpartum period. That’s why we actively seek out partnerships with local services that offer invaluable resources to our clients. Today, we’re excited to introduce Katie, the creator of Nurtured Village, a Postpartum Meal Delivery Service based out of Seattle,…

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